
Showing posts from October, 2019

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It was a cool windy evening. There were sudden creaks as little branches of tree broke in the strong breeze and fell. Reshma was sitting in the balcony of their flat on the first floor. She was watching children playing in the park. The children did not mind the strong breeze or the yellow leaves of neem tree falling on their heads. They were all enjoying their ball game. "Reshma, come inside," called her mother from inside the house. "It is too cool and windy. You might catch a cold." "Five minutes more, mummy." Reshma was also enjoying the game from the distance. Reshma loved to watch children shouting in excitement. Reshma could not play. She could just sit in her wheelchair and watch the life outside from her balcony. She was fourteen years old and a spastic. [A spastic is a person who has no control over his/her hands and legs from birth.] Reshma could not walk, or even button up her shirt. But she could crawl and had lear